Friday, June 15, 2018

Serve and Protect- by Talley L.

September 21, 2017

Both the sophomores and freshmen went to a luncheon called Serve and Protect, which was a cooking show that highlighted using seafood.

The purpose of the show was to inform people what seafood should or shouldn’t be used for cooking, as well as providing cooking tips. During the show, all the guests were provided with a meal while we watched the show.

The show we watched was only a practice though, since the real event was at night. We had to leave early, but we enjoyed the show and complimentary sectioned Tupperware with utensils.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Water quality for propagation- Katie D.

Sept. 25, 2017 
Water Quality 

     At TNACI, we tested the water quality of water in the fish tanks. 

We had to keep track of which beaker had the water from which tank so that we could compare our data to the data that had been collected previously. The staff at TNACI tests the water quality everyday and records it for comparison. 

We tested dissolved oxygen levels, temperature, pH, mortality, total ammonia nitrogen, and salinity. Each thing that we tested determines the health of the fish. High or low levels of ammonia nitrogen, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature could hurt or kill the fish. 

There were no mortalities in any of the tanks that we took samples from. Water that cannot be used in the tanks gets sent out to the garden to be filtered.

River Gardens- by Kenzie G.

Note: since this post was originally written, the River Fellows (class of '21) each adopted a butterfly, found out its host plant and created a butterfly garden full of the plants these butterflies require. Look out for butterflies near the GPS garden late summer and fall.           
 October 30, 2017
Today we went to the TN River Gardens to look for butterflies.

We did not see many butterflies…but we did see caterpillars on leaves. One was very fat and was eating leaves nonstop.

We also got to see the amazing dog named Lucy. She was the sweetest thing ever. (everyone expect Katie played with her, but that is neither here nor there). After we were done looking at the caterpillars, we went down a trail and saw some wildlife, and a rock that I’m pretty sure was pride rock from the Lion King.As we were on the trail there were lots of really cool flowers and plants that I’ve never seen before. Too soon we headed back to the bus, I can’t wait to go again.