A few weeks ago, the Fellows
went to TNACI for the second time. We were told about how the water quality was
tested for the sturgeon. The reintroduction biologists need to test the water for the temperature,
the amount of oxygen, hydrogen (pH) and ammonia.
They also test for the amount of
nitrate and salinity in the water. During our time there, we tested the
temperature, pH, and ammonia. We got to get our hands wet and help test the
water with the instruments. A very
important part of this process is keeping the instruments clean while testing
the different tanks. If they are not properly cleaned, then the results could
be inaccurate. We also helped the
biologists keep track of the results of the temperature and amount of nitrate and
salinity. We all learned a lot about what sturgeon need to survive and that was
only their water!